Friday, July 29, 2011

Let 'em go boys!

Today, I finally got to go to a rodeo. (Well, just bull riding, but it was still fun) The last time I went to a rodeo, I had pity for the calfs, so this tells me that it was a long time ago.
A lot happened while I was there. First, we were standing in front of the stands looking for a place to sit, when these two cowboys, chaps and all, decided to stand by the gate, doing that thing where they prop one leg on the bar and lean over the gate. I went for my camera to take a picture (You all know what I mean) when I realized I left my camera at home! Oops, looks like I'm not getting a new desktop picture for a while! (Oh well, none of them were Chris LeDoux, so it doesn't really matter) After what felt like an hour, the rodeo finally started. The entire rodeo was about an hour and half long. Two or three guys made the entire 8 seconds, and one guy got stomped on his leg, but I saw him walking later so I guess he was ok.
     So, details aren't all that important. Now it's time for me to tell you how I feel. (All you guys are like "Yay!!" <------ That was sarcasm) Usually when I'm sitting watching TV, talking with neighbors, school, movie, reading, ect. my mind is somewhere else. But today, my mind could only wander as far as the bucking chutes, because that's as far as it's EVER been. There's no way I'm getting on any bucking animal without a chiropractor waiting at least 40 yards away from me, but I still wish I could ride. I just feel like I belong in the chutes, and it would be a dream come true if I could spend the entire rodeo standing behind the chute, getting in on everything that happens before the cowboys go out into the arena. But one day that dream will come true because it will happen. People look at me funny when I announce my plans of becoming a rancher out in Wyoming, but I will make it happen. It's in my blood, and if it's not, then I'm getting a blood transfusion from some Wyoming chick!
      Ok, I've expressed all of my feeling and can get on with everything else. I'm now at the age where I watch the cowboys between rides. I watch how their chaps sway as they walk, how their spurs on their muddy boots jingle, and the way their Stetson hats seem to gracefully glide through the air.When I was little, I didn't really care about those little things, and now I am, because I want to know how I'll look when I wear all of that, and I need to start getting used to seeing people like that, because every time someone with a hat or boots passes by, my blood pressure skyrockets, and I'm not going to live very long if this happens every day. (:
  So I had a good time, and was pretty inspired. Rodeos are the little extra boost that helps me keep going. Oh boy, I can't wait until I get to stand behind the chutes!!!
The man in the picture is my personal hero, Chris LeDoux